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discover web3’s gamified opportunity hub

win tokens & nfts

loot boxes

Open loot boxes to win the most exciting Tokens & NFTs. Our proprietary decentralised loot box system (DLS) is web3's fairest play-to-earn lottery where every users wins.

trade on multiple chain

trade on dex

Effortlessly trade the latest token across multiple chain. Buy & sell cross-chain with low slippage and minimal price impact with our AI liquidity optimiser.

We match projects with users & investors through fun


active users




Volume generated

the blood of agora's ecosystem

Become part of an exclusive community with AGA tokens and discover the power of true digital ownership.

agora coin

As an AGA token holder

enjoy a wealth of privileges

Staking rewards

Lock in your AGA tokens to get different reward opportunities that include: trading fees from Agora DEX, yield from the Loot Box system, access to exclusive opportunities, and more.

staking rewards

Governance Rights

Have a voice in the future of Agora. Your stake in AGA tokens means a stake in decision-making processes.

governance rights

Liquidity provisions

Liquidity providers will also earn a percentage of the protocol trading fees charged in all transactions in the Agora DEX.

liquidity provisions

Discount on Purchases

Enjoy exclusive discounts on Loot Box purchases, making each transaction more rewarding.

discount on purchases

be part of it

“Agora aims to become the GameFi golden standard, opening various new and exciting possibilities in the space. Through Ultra’s frictionless, mainstream ready blockchain technology, Ultra and SwissBorg will enable Agora’s team to trailblaze the space by delivering players more value to their gaming experience”.
David Hanson

David Hanson

Co-CEO at Ultra

“For crypto mass adoption to happen, we need to move from a speculative space to a utility space, gaming will enable this transition to happen. We are proud to be part of Agora, a next generation GameFi hub based on UOS technology”.
Anthony Lesoimier-geniaux

Anthony Lesoismier-Geniaux

Co-Founder at SwissBorg

“By merging the fundamental human drives of fun and aspiration, we're crafting a playground filled with endless opportunities, where countless Web3 enthusiasts, both veterans and newcomers, can have fun and significantly alter their financial landscape by winning big. Now, we’re ready to unfold this vision, and we want you alongside us to write Web3 history together”.
pierre de virry

Pierre de Viry

Agora Founder & CEO.

agora acceleratoragora dex
are you a project ?

Raise money for your project with fun via DLS

agora accelerator

get listed on our dex

agora dex